The Oculus: a symbol of hope?

As part of the regeneration of the ‘Ground Zero’ area, the Oculus Station House first opened its doors in March 2016. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, the building offers a striking addition to the skyline, with white interlocking beams shaped to represent the release of a dove.

It is a monument designed to symbolise hope.

However, much like the rest of the Ground Zero area today, there is an eerie sadness about this place. The building is oriented to ensure the atrium is flooded with light between 8:46am and 10:28am on September 11 each year, and the dove shape is arguably more reminiscent of a colossus skeleton stacked upon the horizon. Where there’s hope here, there is also deep sadness.

The trauma that this part of New York has experienced has left a lasting mark on its public spaces. Even as regeneration and renewal continues here, the underlying discomfort of the area remains. It is a reminder: that some things can never be forgotten


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